Presidency Agrees on Text of Reform Commitment – SRNA

The three members of the BiH Presidency agreed on Wednesday on a draft of the written statement of commitment to political reform required by the EU’s new pre-accession program. Under the EU’s plan, BiH leaders must commit to certain political and economic reforms in order to receive additional pre-accession funds. Having produced and agreed upon a draft of the statement, the Presidency has now sent their draft to political party leaders for their approval and signature.

The proposed statement reads that the institutions of authority in BiH, in consultation with the EU and in line with the Copenhagen Criteria and the legal legacy of the EU, will create and implement the programme of appraisable initial reformation measures.

These measures are economic and social, based on the Agreement on Growth and Employment in BiH, and are aimed at stopping negative economic trends, launching the process of rehabilitation and modernisation of economy, encouraging sustainable, efficient, socially fair, and balanced economic development, creating new jobs, increasing and properly distributing social welfare, and creating a favourable and just social environment.

Read more here.