The Ethno-Territorial Separation of Bosnia Was the Key to Ending the War and Keeping Peace – The National Interest

In The National Interest, University of Pittsburgh Professor Robert M. Hayden warns against destabilizing BiH by imposing a centralized government on Serbs and Croats.

Most of the proposals being made by denizens of U.S. think tanks to “fix Bosnia” are to have NATO help the Bosniaks in such a takeover, by imposing a centralized government on the Croats and Serbs. It is difficult to imagine a better way to destabilize Bosnia. It is even more difficult to find a defensible reason for such proposals.

Bosnia isn’t the way it is because of Dayton; rather, Dayton is the way it is because of the nature of Bosnian society. The Dayton system has kept the peace for twenty-five years. Why destabilize Bosnia now?

Read more here.