RS to Present Solution for Court Jurisdiction – SRNA

RS Justice Minister Anton Kasipovic told press this week that he was ready to present a solution to the longstanding disagreement over the BiH Court’s jurisdiction at the upcoming session of the EU-backed Structured Dialogue on Justice. The RS has long held that the BiH Court should only have jurisdiction over crimes covered by BiH laws. Minister Kasipovic will apparently present a detailed outline of the RS position to his colleagues from the Federation and BiH later this week.

He says that the Republika Srpska Ministry of Justice has offered a protocol for further moves in the process of judicial reform in BiH.

“This means agreement on the Law on the BiH Court which will produce a legal solution that regulates the work of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office. The BiH Criminal Law, the Law on the Execution of Criminal Sanctions and the Law on Real Rights should be enforced,” Kasipovic explained.

He said that Srpska will insist on new dynamics in the prosecution of war crimes.

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